Peter Specht

London, Investment Team

Peter is one of our General Partners based in London. He is especially passionate about SaaS, both infrastructure and application layer, and also has a soft spot for B2B marketplaces.

While in school playing basketball always sounded more tempting than studying, I always loved economics classes. I got really interested in the dynamics of markets and stocks during my teenage years. For some reason I had a tendency to pick mining exploration stocks, maybe an early indication of my appetite for earlier, more risky companies (I learned how quickly some can plummet to almost 0... at least that’s where the earnings from my first side job as a tourist rickshaw driver ended up).

Special Brammibal's delivery

After studying at the University of St. Gallen and ESADE, I was intrigued by the fast pace of startups and joined Rocket Internet’s venture Lazada and moved to Bangkok. They were just about to launch what eventually became South East Asia’s biggest e-commerce platform. It felt like the Wild West of the internet in an emerging market. Having had the chance to see a company race from 15 people in an internet coffee shop to 250 people in a 1000 sqm office in rapid time, it was clear to me that I want to spend my career with high-growth companies.

Peter and Dennis (amie)

Originally I planned to build my own startup and thought I should acquire some more skills to do so (I view this differently today). After I spent some time at Google and a few years at Bain & Company’s PE taskforce, getting the analytical drill and learning how to think holistically about companies, I chose to work on the other side. When Creandum approached me looking for their second person in the newly opened Germany office, building out the DACH market, I did not need to think twice.

Factorial board at Oktoberfest

I derive immense fulfillment from supporting people. Founders fight so hard to bring a vision to reality that I want to be there and do the same alongside them as an investor. I have spent most of my time in the past 6 years with Software and B2B marketplace founders. I really get excited about a clear value proposition for a B2B customer and outsized market potential. I also have a soft spot for founders with spikes. To create outliers it’s about being extraordinary in some things rather than being good at everything.

Safe travels, thanks to Oliver (

With all I do, I give 110% and really care. I prefer to take all sides into consideration before shooting, to be honest and upfront. Earning a founder’s trust and creating a partnership is my ultimate goal and that’s the core for me to get there.

Inspecting cargo liners

What else? I love Lederhosen. Though I've lived in 11 different cities across Europe, South America, the US, and Asia, my Bavarian roots become evident sooner rather than later — especially if we attend Oktoberfest together. Beyond that, I am a passionate kite surfer and a fervent football fan. I relish traveling to major tournaments like the World Cup. Brazil in 2014 was my absolute favorite.

On stage at SaaStr Europe

Peter with Rillet founder Nic

01 - 13
Rillet Meta3
Peter Specht 29 July 2024
Backing Rillet
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Riding Unicorns 28 June 2023
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